Saturday, November 20, 2010

Bunco Fundraiser FUN!

Can I get a "whoot, whoot!" What a fantastic night of great fun, tons of wonderful prizes and so many ladies coming out to support our amazing MOPS group!

Thanks to Maegan and the fundraising efforts of all our moms who participated in acquiring donations, assembling silent auction baskets, running around town doing everything and anything to make last night a total success! It paid off in a major way.

We received countless compliments on how well organized the event was, how much fun the ladies had and the quality of prizes presented. Way to go GHC MOPS! We have a "rough" number from our Finance Coordinator Mandi K. of just a smidgen more than $1400! WOW!

Can I get another "whoot, whoot!"

Steering members, we have a great discussion on the horizon concerning how these funds will bless our group and each mom in it. So bring your thoughts, suggestions and ideas to our next meeting. What a great blessing to be in this situation ladies. We are incredibly fortunate that we have the love and support of so many people in our community. Just a side note to that last statement, we think we have additional MOPPET workers too from ladies who attended the fundraiser and want to give to our group in that capacity. See what I mean! God just keeps blessing. Jenny and I are truthfully so humbled by the grace and abundance of which our Father pours out his love for our moms. Tearfully, I am so thankful!

If you were unable to attend our fundraiser, we so missed you and you so missed a great time! However, it took every mom on deck to prepare for the success we experienced so please don't feel that your part was not needed or appreciated. As we mentioned at our very first meeting this year, every mom in this group counts!

Our next meeting will be a great time to reflect on our fundraiser as well as kick back together and let other people worry about the food! YAY for caterers! Remember your shoe box (or something similar to) for toting home your crafts from our amazing Creative Arts gals. Really great stuff, ladies. I can hardly wait!

Oh, dear! One last doosie to share with you. Those of you who attended probably couldn't deny the fact that I was a tad excited for winning the Hour With Santa auction. I called and set up a time for him to come to our home (he totally even sounds like Santa on the phone!) and he offered to do a free appearance for our MOPS group so we can get pics with Santa and our kiddos. Isn't that the sweetest?! Unfortunately he will be out of town for our next meeting (Dec. 7th) but we thought since the chance of people leaving really early for the holidays was fairly low we would try to set a time the next Tuesday (Dec. 14th).

We will set Santa up in the foyer of the main church building (not the FLC where we have our meetings) and guide everyone through one set of doors, pic with Santa and grab some cookies before exiting the other set of doors. This is a heads up, ladies! We are thinking 11:30-12:30 to accommodate those of you who will be picking up kiddos from the preschool so you can get your little ones and then come over for a pic and cookie. Keep checking your emails and here for details to come as we solidify plans with the church and Santa. Might be a good idear to have your child's letter ready to give to Santa as well!

All for now. This tired mammasita is hitting the hay!

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