Saturday, November 20, 2010

Bunco Fundraiser FUN!

Can I get a "whoot, whoot!" What a fantastic night of great fun, tons of wonderful prizes and so many ladies coming out to support our amazing MOPS group!

Thanks to Maegan and the fundraising efforts of all our moms who participated in acquiring donations, assembling silent auction baskets, running around town doing everything and anything to make last night a total success! It paid off in a major way.

We received countless compliments on how well organized the event was, how much fun the ladies had and the quality of prizes presented. Way to go GHC MOPS! We have a "rough" number from our Finance Coordinator Mandi K. of just a smidgen more than $1400! WOW!

Can I get another "whoot, whoot!"

Steering members, we have a great discussion on the horizon concerning how these funds will bless our group and each mom in it. So bring your thoughts, suggestions and ideas to our next meeting. What a great blessing to be in this situation ladies. We are incredibly fortunate that we have the love and support of so many people in our community. Just a side note to that last statement, we think we have additional MOPPET workers too from ladies who attended the fundraiser and want to give to our group in that capacity. See what I mean! God just keeps blessing. Jenny and I are truthfully so humbled by the grace and abundance of which our Father pours out his love for our moms. Tearfully, I am so thankful!

If you were unable to attend our fundraiser, we so missed you and you so missed a great time! However, it took every mom on deck to prepare for the success we experienced so please don't feel that your part was not needed or appreciated. As we mentioned at our very first meeting this year, every mom in this group counts!

Our next meeting will be a great time to reflect on our fundraiser as well as kick back together and let other people worry about the food! YAY for caterers! Remember your shoe box (or something similar to) for toting home your crafts from our amazing Creative Arts gals. Really great stuff, ladies. I can hardly wait!

Oh, dear! One last doosie to share with you. Those of you who attended probably couldn't deny the fact that I was a tad excited for winning the Hour With Santa auction. I called and set up a time for him to come to our home (he totally even sounds like Santa on the phone!) and he offered to do a free appearance for our MOPS group so we can get pics with Santa and our kiddos. Isn't that the sweetest?! Unfortunately he will be out of town for our next meeting (Dec. 7th) but we thought since the chance of people leaving really early for the holidays was fairly low we would try to set a time the next Tuesday (Dec. 14th).

We will set Santa up in the foyer of the main church building (not the FLC where we have our meetings) and guide everyone through one set of doors, pic with Santa and grab some cookies before exiting the other set of doors. This is a heads up, ladies! We are thinking 11:30-12:30 to accommodate those of you who will be picking up kiddos from the preschool so you can get your little ones and then come over for a pic and cookie. Keep checking your emails and here for details to come as we solidify plans with the church and Santa. Might be a good idear to have your child's letter ready to give to Santa as well!

All for now. This tired mammasita is hitting the hay!

Thursday, November 18, 2010's been a while

Hey gals!
So, this here blog has been a wee neglected lately with all the hubbub of the fast approaching holidays in addition to the usually crazy day to day stuff. We've enjoyed a couple MOPS meetings since our last post so let's get you up to date, shall we?

The couponing meeting was AWESOME! Thanks Katrina for your time, experience, knowledge and willingness to share it all with us. Am I the only one whose head was spinning afterwards?? If you missed the meeting, be sure to ask for a copy of the handout with listed resources for ways to coupon and save money. I know Katrina has been flooded with phone calls, texts and questions since that meeting so we are considering doing a follow up to couponing in the spring.

Our lone October meeting was NUTTY, in a nutshell! Seriously! We had a fantastic speaker come to us to share her expertise on self image. If you would like more information we have extra handouts and Rhonda's business cards for you or feel free to link up here and contact her with your questions. It was so much more than ROYGBIVing your closet and using the color of your wrist veins to determine whether or not your a cool or warm. Those were interesting and prodded me to inspect my clothes hangars and forearm more closely, but it was much more than that. She spoke about where our image derives. Our focus and how the condition of our hearts will lead the way we see ourselves and ultimately one another. It reminded me of this scripture, "For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also", Matthew 6:21. It all starts there ladies.

MOPPETS experienced a few bumps that meeting, hence the "NUTTY" comment in the above paragraph. We thank you so very much for all the grace you extended and for those of you who volunteered for part of the meeting. It is what it is that sometimes things happen out of our control and you rose to the occasion in true mommy grit style. We hope the gift cards helped to further clarify our appreciation. Thankfully we have a wonderful God who has blessed us with additional resources in the MOPPETS worker department! We prayed and He delivered! YAY!

This most recent meeting had me thinking, "It's aboot time!" I thoroughly LURVED hanging out, sampling (and then gobbling) all the delicious foods you brought to our 2nd Annual MOPS Cook Off! YUM! A few changes to the way we voted and set up seemed to pay off as everyone mingled and really enjoyed getting to have free time to chat. This is exactly what we wanted more of this year and with the speakers at the beginning of the year needing to be booked on those particular days we were overjoyed at the opportunity to "break bread" (thank you Dawn-Marie!) with one another this week. Let's have some mow of that y'all!

Our next meeting will be our Christmas party on Tuesday, December 7th. We have a few fun things planned for you but rest assured we will be focusing on getting to socialize and better acquainted with each other. What a treat to have this meeting catered so no one is asked to bring food! YAY! We will be doing two really nice crafts. One of which you'll need to bring a shoe box or other lidded box/container comparable to shoe box size.

Another big plus here is that we are not doing a gift or ornament exchange at all. That probably sounds funny to some of you but we really have been hit hard this semester with the fundraiser being right here around the holidays as well as just the regular dues and childcare fees at the beginning. We NEVER want MOPS to be a financial burden on any mom or be a reason why someone cannot come. If you or another mom you know fits into that category PLEASE contact us (Tiffany & Jenny) so we can assign a scholarship. We want this to be a nurturing and supportive environment for equipping us moms with the resources (friends, information, a safe place to come and be YOU!) necessary to be a good mom. Remember, we don't know about a need or concern unless it is brought to us!

It's an absolute pleasure to be part of this MOPS group where we are growing and learning about this wild ride called MOTHERHOOD together.

Welcome to our newest moms, Christine G., Catie T., Dana J., Candi E., and my Wal*Mart friend Colleen H.! Y'all totally thought I was fibbing about talking to strangers at Wal*Mart about our awesome MOPS group, didn't you?

Until the next post, have a safe and blessed Thanksgiving holiday with your loved ones. Please say a prayer for those who are without this time of year be it homes, food or loved ones. We have so very much to be thankful for!

Feel free to email me for any reason or Jenny at We're here for y'all!

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

September 21st - Couponing 101

Ladies, you are in for a real treat! One of our very own moms, Katrina Greene, will be sharing her knowledge about how to save a bum-load of dollahs on your weekly grocery bills. Saving money is something we all like to do. How else do you think we're able to drive those swagger wagons in posh style? Or at least afford all the upholstery cleaning foam cans to make nice of those nasty "snacks" that somehow find their way smooshed into teensie tiny pieces. I digress...

So don't be left with your wallet hangin'! Come to our next meeting, with pen and paper handy so you can learn to stretch every cent. You'll be jaw dropping amazed at what you me!

Welcome to Grace Heartland MOPS!...The BLOG!

Hi ladies! Here is the newest way for our moms who are members, and those who would like to know about us, to stay up to date on information pertinent to our unique MOPS group at Grace Heartland Church in Elizabethtown, Kentucky. New to MOPS and have no clue what MOPS is? Click here to learn more about MOPS and how it can support you through the unique stage of mothering a preschooler.

Take a moment to click on the right side of this blog to become a follower. You may also wish to SUBSCRIBE to this blog and be automatically emailed each time new information or pictures are posted. This is HIGHLY recommended if you are a member of our MOPS group so you will be in the loop! We are also linking up our facebook page so even more ways to stay informed are at your lil' fingertips.

Any questions, suggestions or concerns? Please leave a comment (so long as it is understood that it will be public! So keep it positive!) or feel free to email our Coordinators, Tiffany and Jenny anytime. You may also get in touch with us through calling the GHC office 270-769-1808 or through the church website

Thanks for all your encouragement and support.

"Better moms make a better world!"