Monday, November 28, 2011

Catching up and what's coming up..

Hellllooooowwww! :D

We have been a busy group of gals, haven't we? There's much to tell and much to share so let's not waste another minute, shall we? You know these questions are rhetorical, right?

So, first off, how is everyone? Yes, yes... I know, rhetorical again, but you can leave a comment and let us know! :) Seems like there's been many out due to having sick kiddos or being themselves sick. Hang in there ladies and just think, there's only 115 days and 5 hours til spring. :) If you need a countdown ticker to keep you hopping then grab one here. I'm thankful we had Dr. Flynn come pay us a visit before germ season started. We've got some smart planners, don't we? She shared some very helpful information about flu season, keeping germs at bay (wash, wash, need I say WASH your hands all the live long day?!) as well as tips on fevers and when it's a good time to head to the doctor's office. What a great resource and such a nice lady too, wouldn't you agree? If you have any questions about what Dr. Flynn spoke about, please let me know (Tiffany Boren) and I can get you a fresh copy of her handout with all the details of her talk listed therein. Remember, she's Melissa out of the office but Dr. Flynn when you're visiting her office.

Another topic to speak about is our Annual MOPS Bunco Fundraiser! Can I get a Woot-Woot!? It was a GINORMOUS success thanks to Cameron Davis and the crew that helped out as well as to all our moms who hit the pavement bringing in great door prizes and silent auction items from area businesses. We had a fun group of ladies come out for the 4th annual event and all seemed to have a fantastic time chatting it up and winning some great prizes. All in all we surpassed our goal from last year, so that's a huge blessing! Thanks goes to all of you that also helped bring food and drinks, set up and clean up. It takes a village people. .... am I the only one chuckling at that last sentence? LOL! Ah.... okay, moving right along.

Our next meeting is this Thursday, December 1st. Same time, same place. But, here are a couple things you'll want to know. Jessica Yates' DH (dear husband) is graciously coming by to teach us some self defense moves. He is more than qualified, having 18 years experience in martial arts and holding several achievements within that arena as well as owner and instructor at Yates Martial Arts here in Elizabethtown. Sensei Austin is delighted to come show us how to defend ourselves against crazed holiday shoppers......too bad we didn't have these moves for Black Friday! Looking forward to it, Sensei!

Another note would be to dress your MOPPETS in Christmas attire as Santa will be perched by the Big Christmas tree in the main church building foyer waiting anxiously to greet your little ones as they emerge from their rooms. Be sure to tuck your camera into your diaper bags so you can capture this fun time for your kiddos. Those of you who have preschoolers over in the other building are welcome to gather them up and truck back over to see Santa. He and his helper will be there from 11:15-12:30 for greetings and photo ops so take advantage of this FREE experience.

Welp, I think that's all the rattling I can handle for one post. Hope to see everyone HEALTHY (Please, we love you dearly, but DO NOT come if you are germie or feeling germie, or otherwise not up to snuff) this Thursday! Have a great week!



  1. could you please send me Dr. Flynn's handout?? I missed the meeting but would love to peruse her talking points and ideas.


    Amanda Williams

  2. You got it, Amanda! Just see me Thursday. I don't have an electronic copy, just the handout itself from her. See you soon and hope everyone is 100% healthy again! If not, I can run it by the house for you. Just let me know. :D


Thanks for taking a minute of your time to share encouragement with us!